On 2-4 December 2013, in Geneva, Switzerland Mrs. Curpedin-Balgi Alev , the executive director of BSCSIF attended the second annual forum on Business and Human Rights under the patronage of United Nations.
The Forum was established by the Human Rights Council and is under the guidance of the UN Working Group on Business and Human Rights. The Forum provides a global platform for the promotion and implementation of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These Principles, unanimously endorsed in 2011 by the Council, are the first globally accepted standards on the responsibilities of States and businesses for preventing and addressing business-related human rights abuse.
The second Forum focused on progress in the implementation of the Guiding Principles, highlighting the emerging challenges for States, business, and civil society, and identifying and discussing good practices.
More than 1,400 people from 100 countries attend the second United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva in 2013.
She participated to the side event named: “Business, human rights and conflict: challenges and good practice (from conflict prevention to operating in a conflict-affected area)”.