A Report on Liberian & Ugandan Key Information Exchange on Macroeconomic Policy Management

Boima HM Sonii, Director for Economic Statistics at Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo-Information Services, Vamuyan A Sesay, Senior Economist at Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Jefferson Kambo, Director for Research, Policy and Planning at Central Bank of Liberia, Nyane C-Jay Wratto, Assistant Commissioner for Policy, Statistics and Strategic Planning at Liberia Revenue Authority, Roland Nyemah Saydee, Acting Director for Tax Policy at Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, John M Collins Jr, Statistician at Central Bank of Liberia, Alex Saye Wuo, Acting Director for Domestic Trade at Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Cornelius Weah, Senior Officer in charge of Audit and Control at Ministry of Finance and Development Planning.

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Image credit: Vamuyan A Sesay

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