Address of the Secretary-General and Vice-president of the International Foundation for Sustainable Peace and Development (IFSPD)

Esteemed colleagues, dear friends!

Allow me to address all of you in this difficult time in the world that has arisen due to the virus COVID-19.

I am grateful that during these difficult days, you have shown your decent and professional support to our organization and our team. It was impossible to expect anything else. Indeed, the International Foundation (IFSPD) is a large family of excellent professionals, but primarily people from forty countries of the world.

The situation that has arisen once again reminds humanity that the world is also one big family, despite geographical, national, cultural, and religious differences and distinct beliefs. We know that during these days, while we live in isolation with an opportunity to communicate only thanks to the technologies of the 21st century, 491,254 people are in a difficult position, and 22,165 are no longer with us. Unfortunately, the numbers are increasing every day.  The main thing that we can do is remember that we are all in this together. Once again, I extend to you my sincere gratitude for demonstrated solidarity, humanism, and unwavering faith that we all need during these days.

At this point in trials, humanity must preserve faith and hope in tomorrow. There should be no room for panic. We all have the right to be afraid and wary, but where is fear there is doubt, and where is doubt there is no faith. Humanity must maintain faith in a good and speedy end to the current situation caused by the COVID-19 virus.

By being an example, indeed, we must encourage compliance with measures taken within the framework of national laws, state health systems, and the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) in the fight against COVID-19. Exercising discipline and safeguards will support our countries, and helping lonely, elderly, and needy people is a human duty. A global victory over a

pandemic is possible if each of us becomes a role model by providing much-needed empathy and unity.

All of you are well aware that over the 11 years of its existence, the International Foundation (IFSPD) has witnessed many incidents in the world. We have always kept and continue to keep these processes in the center of our attention. And, within the framework of our statutory responsibilities and capabilities, we have been promptly and timely responding to them, thus making our feasible contribution to the promotion of peace, security, and sustainable development.

In this regard, I want to recall that the management and experts of the International Foundation (IFSPD) continue their activities in the field of analysis of the situation, under the taken measures. As you have been already informed, we have embarked on a six-month research study on the prospects and changes in the world due to the coronavirus crisis.

Dear friends, take care of yourself and your loved ones, follow all safety precautions and try to gain inner peace despite external noise. See you soon!

Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Prof. Eldar HASANOV, Ph.D.

IFSPD Secretary-General & Vice-president



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