Conference “Research and analisys in the area of international relations and european studies”, Bucharest, November 17, 2011.

On the 17th of November, 2011, the International Black Sea-Caspian Sea Fund took part in the Conference “Research and analisys in the area of international relations and european studies”, organized by the Centre of European Policy, Romania, in collaboration with the Institute of political science and international relations, Romanian Academy and University Babes-Bolyai.

This event was aimed at improving connections and increasing the level of mutual trust between research institutions in the field of international relations.

The Conference was attended by the Minister for european Affairs, Leonard Orban, the President of the Black sea University Foundation, the Ambassador Liviu Bota, the Presidential Cousellor, Iulian Chifu, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Doru Costea and other officials. The Fund was represented in the frame of the Conference by the Vice –president, Iulian Fota, the Advisor to Secretary General, Felicia Scoarta, the coordinator of the project team Mihai Sandu, and the members of the project team, Andrada Dinu and Liliana Coman.

The Conference was the first step in establishing the network of research institutions in the field of international realtions in order to strengthen cooperation betwen them and creating the Romanian database in the research area.

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