On 26 of March 2013, theInternational Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea (BSCSIF) organized the conference “Cyber Security in Romania – Present and Perspectives”, at Howard Johnson Hotel in Bucharest.

The main topics were structured in two panels – ”Strategy and implementation” and ”Standards and trainings” – and reffered to the perspectives of Romania and EU in cybersecurity governance, cyber threats and cyber attacks, critical infrastructure, international standards in cybersecurity field, education and training in cybersecurity.

The speakers are well-known experts in cybersecurity field, representatives of governmental institutions, organizations and private companies, such as:Marcel OPRIŞ, Director of the Special Telecommunications Service, Valentin VANCEA, Director of the National Association for Information Systems Security (ANSSI), Gabriel MAZILU, Romanian Intelligence Service, Marius STICLARU, CEO Q-EAST Software, Călin RANGU, Director of CIO Council Romania, Stelian ARION, General Director of SECANT Security, Alexandru COŞOI, Bitdefender, Adrian FLOAREA, UTI Grup, Prof. Valentin SGÂRCIU, Politehnica University of Bucharest.

The conference took place in the framework of the Program entitled “Cyber Security – Present and Perspectives” launched by BSCSIF in March 2013, in Bucharest.

The main goal of the Program is to create a dialogue platform for the governmental institutions, private sector, and civil society, in order to identify common solutions to cyber threats and to provide a stable and secure digital environment. The program will consist of a series of conferences and events, in Romania and neighbouring countries from the Black Sea Caspian Sea region, aimed at harmonizing national and international cyber security standards, sharing good practices and enhancing regional cooperation in the field.

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