Europe – Russia – Asia: Eurasian cooperation and the future idea of eurasianism

The international conference entitled “Europe – Russia – Asia: Eurasian cooperation and the future idea of eurasianism” was held in the period October, 3 – 7, 2012, in the city of Varna, Bulgaria. Representatives from 15 countries participated at the conference and presented reports on such topics as: processes and development related to Eurasian geopolitical balance and the role of global and regional actors in this context, the competition existing in the region and the potential cooperation, future ideologies and concepts of eurasianism, etc;

At the conference, Turkey and, particularly, Turkish branch of our organization were represented by Secretary General of the branch in Istanbul, Mr. Torgul Veli. Mr. Torgul Veli made a presentation on “The significance of the Black Sea region in preservation of permanent stability, sustainable dialogue and cooperation in Eurasia”. As well, he held bilateral negotiations with the delegations from various countries.

In the last day of the conference, the protocol of bilateral cooperation between the BSCSIF branch in Turkey and the Foundation “Slavs” (Bulgaria), the principle organizer of the event, was signed. Thereby, it was decided to organize various joint activities, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Balkan Wars with the participation of Bulgaria and other Balkan countries.

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