Meeting between the Black Sea Caspian Sea International Fund and Romania-Turkey Business Women Association

On October 9, 2013, the headquarters of the Black Sea Caspian Sea International Fund in Bucharest hosted the meeting between the BSCSIF and Romania-Turkey Business Women Association in order to discuss the perspectives of further cooperation between the two organizations.

Ms Birgul Senyuva, the president of the Association, Ms Alev Balgi, the executive director of BSCSIF, representatives and partners of the Association, as well as the BSCSIF staff in Bucharest attended the meeting.

Ms Balgi made a brief presentation of the main objectives and activities of the BSCSIF, the implemented and ongoing projects, as well as of the future perspectives of the Fund. She highlighted the role of both organizations in fostering the bilateral and multilateral relations between the countries in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea region and also in promoting the economic opportunities and the human and cultural values of the region worldwide.

Ms Senyuva thanked for the warm hospitality and presented the activities of Romania-Turkey Business Women Association, stressing the social dimension of some of the projects. She also revealed the intention to organize a cultural festival Romania-Turkey-Azerbaijan in near future. Ms Senyuva agreed the signing of a Partnership Agreement between Romania-Turkey Business Women Association and BSCSIF, aimed at strengthening the relations and facilitating the implementation of joint projects.

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