On the 25th of April, 2012, the headquarters of the Black Sea- Caspian Sea International Fund hosted NGO Briefing that was organized in collaboration with the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Romania. The briefing was participated by distinguished Azay Guliyev, the Chairman of Azerbaijan-Romania Inter-parliamentary Working Group, and the Chairman of the Council of State Support to NGOs in Azerbaijan.

The meeting was attended by the representatives of the most influential non-governmental organizations from Romania: Adriana Zaharia (Romanian NGDO Platform FOND), Ambassador Sergiu Celac  (EURISC Foundation), Andrei Avram (Fund of Christian Democrats),  Elena Iorga (Institute of Public Policies), Oana Popescu and Narciz Bălăşoiu (Center of Conflict Prevention and Early Warning), Alexandra Toderiţă (Romanian Center for European Policies), and George Tiugea (Social-Democratic Foundation “Ovidiu Şincai”). On behalf of the Fund the debate session was participated by Marcela Curmei, Julia Akhunova, Luiza Popa, Orhan Mammadov, Andrada Dinu, Valentina Albu and Liliana Coman.

Mr. Azay Guliyev made a comprehensive presentation of the Concept of State Support to NGOs in Azerbaijan, revealing the statistical data, areas of NGO’s activity, the structure of the Council of State Support to NGOs and conditions of project evaluation in his country.

Every participant also made a brief presentation of their organizations and expressed their eagerness to cooperate with Azeri NGOs in the spheres of their activity.

During the meeting it was mentioned that Romania remains a crucial partner for Azerbaijan in many essential areas, such as energy security, social, economic and cultural dimensions. Thereby, it is of high importance for civil society, represented by NGOs in both countries, to develop the cooperation, identifying common opportunities and launching joint projects.

Thus, by organizing this event, the International Fund for Cooperation and Partnership of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea confirmed once again its motto “Bridging people, bridging countries”.

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