Opening of the new IFSPD Balkan Branch Office

The grand opening of the new, renovated and fully equipped IFSPD Balkan Branch office in the strict center of Belgrade (Serbia) on 3 Terazije Street was held on 24 April 2019 with the participation of the IFSPD Secretary-General and the Vice-President of the IFSPD, Prof. Eldar Hasanov, Ph.D.; IFSPD Vice-President Mrs. Biserka Jevtimiejevic; IFSPD Executive Director Ms. Esma Sirbubalo;  Director of the IFSPD Balkan Branch Ms. Sandra Bogunovic; and distinguished fully-fledged members of the IFSPD from Serbia.

In the end everyone gathered at the celebratory dinner organized by IFSPD Balkan Branch, which, during its five years of existence has repeatedly proved as an operational and dynamic IFSPD branch, independently ensuring for its own expenditure and its activities, especially in organizing and holding events, thereby deserving to be an example for all branches of our International Foundation

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